313 N. Mulberry Street, Muncie, IN 47305 765-288-6185 |

Serving Delaware County
and the State of Indiana
Since 1985.
The Dowling Family:

Carrie, Ralph, Kim
and Sean (l-r)
Ralph E. Dowling, Attorney at Law
Representing Plaintiffs In:
- Personal Injury
- Wrongful Death
- Negligence
- Accidents
Family Law, Including:
- Divorce and Paternity
- Custody and Parenting Time
- Child Support
- Adoption
Civil Appeals:
- State Courts
- Federal Courts
Other Matters, Including:
- Wills and Estates
- Expungements
Initial Consultation Fee in Family Law Matters, only $100.00
Free Initial Consultation on Most Other Matters
(ask at the time you make an appointment)
